Wednesday 8 August 2012

Grilled Peaches


Last weekend was Park Ave. Festival in the city of Rochester. I live in the heart of that vibrant neighborhood which meant, naturally, I needed to have friends over to enjoy the festivities. I figured that represented a perfect opportunity to fire up the grill. I wanted things to be simple and easy. But I also wanted to try something new. A colleague suggested grilling peaches for dessert and I was immediately intrigued. These came out tasty, but the peaches could have been more ripe. Be sure to select some that are. 

This is a quick, easy, healthy dessert. And it's a fun and interesting way to use your grill. Enjoy.


  • Desired amount of peaches, halved
  • Dollop of Greek Yogurt for each halved peach
  • Touch of honey for each halved peach

  1. Prepare grill to medium-high heat
  2. Halve each peach, removing pit but leaving the skin
  3. Place peach halves, cut side down, on the grill
  4. Grill for several minutes, or until a nice char mark forms
  5. Top each peach halve with a dollop of Greek yogurt and just a touch of honey, and serve 

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