Thursday 12 July 2012

Bison Burgers

Should have put the lettuce and tomato under the burger to give you a better idea of the finished product. I'll take another photo next time. And there will certainly be a next time!

I keep hearing about Bison (or Buffalo) meat and how it's a healthier alternative to beef. I've read that it's much leaner than beef. I've also read that, as a result, it can be a bit dry. So I've been hunting for the perfect recipe to experiment with and I found it yesterday from Simply Recipes.

The result? Outstanding! I don't know if it's because it has been months since I've had a burger, but I really enjoyed this meal. Bison makes for a very tasty burger and I must say, it really doesn't taste all that different from a traditional beef burger. The combination of sage and a smoky barbeque sauce (I used Kansas City style) was superb. The onions added an excellent complimentary flavor. Although, next time, I'd use a bit more.

I was careful not to overcook, which would certainly dry out the meat. My meat thermometer (a grilling essential) was on the fritz, so I eyeballed it. But I'd suggest pulling the burgers from the grill at 140 degrees.

The only downside is price. I paid $7.49 a pound for the bison meat. I think I'd rather eat a great steak at that price. But if you're craving a burger, this is a great way to satisfy that urge.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

  • 2 lbs ground bison
  • 2 Tbsp finely chopped fresh sage
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • Smoky BBQ sauce (I recommend Kansas City style)

1) Sautee the onions in the olive oil over a medium heat until translucent. Turn off the heat and let cool.

2) When the onions are cool enough to touch, gently mix them into the meat with your hands. Add everything else.

3) Form your patties, making each 1/4 to 1/3 of a pound.

4) Grill your burgers, about 5 minutes on each side. Pull them off the grill once they reach an internal temperature of 140 degrees (for medium rare). 

5) Let meat rest for five minutes.

6) Top with lettuce, tomato and a smoky BBQ sauce.

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  1. Looks fabulous! Especially on a white plate, lol. The blog is looking really great, John. Good work.
